Visual ECC Share Economy

Share Economy

7. - 8.3.2017

Currently everyone is talking about "shared economy". How can public administrations and municipalities play a part in this topic, which advantages and challenges need to be considered? The ECC focuses on this topic on March 7th and 8th.




© Regina Hügli

Martin Blum

Martin Blum is the representative for cycling matters of the City of Vienna and managing director of the "Mobility Agency Vienna". The Mobility Agency is a company owned by the City of Vienna. Its purpose is to contribute towards a growing number of people who are willing to take the bike or walk in Vienna. As an intermediary between citizens, administration, and politics it links single players, implements awareness-raising campaigns, organizes mobility management, offers a service to citizens so that also in everyday life more people decide to use the bike or simply walk.

© Starz

Hans-Erich Dechant

Hans-Erich Dechant is responsible for Citybike Vienna to work on a technical and organisational way. Together with a highly motivated team, he ensures that with the Citybike an innovative and environmentally friendly vehicle is available at more than 120 stations.

© Michael Erdmann

Michael Erdmann

Since 2016, Michael Erdmann is working for the Municipal Department 18 – urban development and urban planning of the City of Vienna. Focus areas of his work are mobility management as well as offering additional ways of multimodal mobility. He studied landscape architecture and spatial planning in Vienna, researched and worked in the field of urban development, process design and mobility management.

© David Bohmann

Klemens Himpele

Klemens Himpele was born in in Emmendingen/Germany and studied economics at the University of Cologne. Since 2012, he is the head of the Municipal Department 23 – economy, labour and statistics of the City of Vienna. Prior to that, he was working in the field of educational research, for "Statistics Austria" and for the German "Education and Science Workers’ Union".

© Ross King

Ross King

Ross King is senior scientist and head of the research group "Digital Insight Lab" (DIL) at the "Austrian Institute of Technology" (AIT). In recent years, with DIL the AIT has created focused scientific expertise in the context of data science that deals with quantitative methods and techniques of scaled data processing and with the establishment of forecasting analytical methods for big data.

© Natascha Unkart

Sylvia Kuba

Sylvia Kuba is programme manager of "digitisation" in the "Vienna Chamber of Labour" as well as chief editor of "". Kuba studied communication sciences at the University of Vienna and for several years she was the press officer for various institutions. Today she works and researches primarily in the field of digital technologies and their impact on the working world and the economy.

© Johann Leitner

Johannes Lutter

Since 1999 Johannes Lutter was a research associate and since 2003 deputy managing director of "Europaforum Wien". Since the "Europaforum Wien" and "TINA Vienna" merged in the beginning of 2017 he has been managing the "Urban Future Lab". His work priorities include analysis and consultancy, process design and process moderation regarding urban development and housing policy, location and tourism strategies, participation and governance models, European urban policy and cross-border cooperation.

© Excellence Institute

Isabella Mader

Isabella Mader, MSc, is an executive at the "Excellence Institute" in Vienna and lecturer at a number of universities. Her work priorities are knowledge management, information management and IT strategy, network society and share economy. She is a keynote speaker and lecturer at various international conferences, most recently in November 2015 with a keynote at the "Sharing Economy Conference" in Vienna and several times at the "Global Peter Drucker Forum".

© WU Wien

Achim Oberg

Achim Oberg is head of the research team "digitisation in the middle class" at the "Institute for Middle Class Research" at the University of Mannheim and researches at the "Vienna University for Economics and Business" at the "Institute for Organization Studies". Since his studies of business information technology at the Universities of Mannheim and St. Gallen, Mr. Oberg is engaged in the question of which new forms of organisation and coordination emerge due to the progressive digitisation in and between companies. Currently Mr. Oberg coordinates the project "i-share: Impact of the Sharing Economy in Germany" which is financed by the "German Federal Ministry of Education and Research" and implemented by researchers of the Universities of Mannheim, Göttingen, Augsburg and the "Hertie School of Governance" (Berlin).

© SPÖ Wien

Thomas Reindl

Thomas Reindl was born in Vienna and he studied business administration at the "Vienna University for Economics and Business". Since 1988 he has been working for the central bank of the Republic of Austria (Österreichische Nationalbank), since June 1st 2006 he is head of the department for purchase, facility and security management. Reindl is involved in political activities in the Vienna Municipal Council since 1998 whose chairman he has been since 2016. Priorities of his activities are financial and economic policies as well as sports and culture. He is also sports spokesman of his political group.

© Universität Wien

Martin Risak

Martin Risak is teaching at the University of Vienna. He was born in 1969 in Vienna, after his doctorate he habilitated at the University of Vienna for the subjects labour law and social law. His expert and advisory activities are diverse – for the "International Labour Organization" (ILO), the European Commission, ministries and governments, trade unions, the "Chamber for Workers and Employees", the Austrian Economic Chamber as well as numerous companies. He was a lecturer at the Bologna Business School in Italy. He previously taught at the "University of Applied Sciences Burgenland", the university of applied sciences of the educational institute "bfi Wien", the "Danube University Krems", the University of Passau in Germany, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in Poland, the Lviv University in Ukraine, as well as the nursing schools of "Barmherzige Brüder" and "Barmherzige Schwestern" in Vienna.

© FragNebenan

Stefan Theißbacher

Stefan Theißbacher is 34 years old. He moved from Reichenfels to Vienna to study and is now the managing director of "FragNebenan". "FragNebenan" is a social network for neighbours. It is about getting in contact, exchanging ideas and organising neighbourhood assistance. It should contribute to neighbourhood becoming a community.


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