
18. - 19.6.2019

What will the European municipalities look like in the year 2030? In the context of the European Cities Conference on June 18th and 19th 2019, the City of Vienna wanted to look into the future with its partners and speak about essential aspects of digitisation.




© Jarosław Bułka

Jarosław Bułka

Jarosław Bułka is bio-cyberneticist with 20 years of academic experience, mostly relating to artificial intelligence, telemedicine and digital transformation of organisations. As a technology expert of the technology park in Krakow, he advises the mayor of Krakow in matters of digital transformation.


Presentation "IT Solutions for the Municipality of Krakow" (PDF)

© Sofia Investment Agency/Vladimir Danailov

Vladimir Danailov

Vladimir Danailov is CEO of the "Sofia Municipal Privatisation & Investment Agency". He has an MBA of the American University in Bulgaria and a master's degree in human resource management of the "Technical University of Sofia". Danailov has a broad knowledge in management of companies and teams with a global presence.


Presentation "Digital Transformation of Sofia – Challenges, Lessons and Results" (PDF)

© Jan Dobrovský

Jan Dobrovský

Jan Dobrovský is director for project management at the Prague City Hall where he supports economy and innovation and manages the economic diplomacy. He managed several projects that led to the foundation of the "Prague Start-up Center and Market" and the business incubator of the "European Space Agency" in Prague (ESA BIC Prague), the Prague funding programme for vouchers, the innovation market and projects of the innovation partnership.

© Mostly AI/Florian Schulte

Alexandra Ebert

Alexandra Ebert has a degree in digital marketing and she wrote her thesis on the effects of the GDPR on artificial intelligence in Europe. At "Mostly AI" she is responsible for the contact with the data protection community, the authorities, the media and the customers.

© Alexander Mikula

Martin Giesswein

Martin Giesswein is co-initiator of "DigitalCity.Wien" and brings together start-ups with companies at "Innovation 2 Company" since 2015. In 2014, he was the exit-CEO of the Austrian original start-up "immobilien.NET". About half of his work time, he teaches at universities and corporate academies with a focus on digital economy, leadership and innovation.

© Robin Heilig

Robin Heilig

Robin Heilig was head of the strategy office of the ICT department of the City of Vienna. In order to keep up with the increasing demand, PACE was founded where he is the co-managing director since its foundation.


​​Presentation "From E-Government to Digitization" (PDF)

© Lukas Beck

Ulrike Huemer

Ulrike Huemer is a lawyer and CIO of the City of Vienna. For the "Austrian Association of Cities and Towns" she oversaw negotiations in the Austrian Convention. As head of the accounting and contribution system of the City of Vienna, she concentrated on e-government and administrative modernisation and finalised the introduction of SAP within the City of Vienna. As CIO of the City of Vienna (since 2014), she strongly advocates for digitisation to be a central topic for economy, society and administration.


Presentation "Digital City Vienna" (PDF)

© Filip Húšťava

Filip Húšťava

Filip Húšťava studied public administration and regional development at the University of Economics, Faculty of National Economy in Bratislava. His main interest lies in the transparency of the public administration und the participation of citizens in the public administration. He was a member of the department for city controlling and in that time was also a member of the department of data policy and analysis. He is responsible for the new Open Data strategy of the City of Bratislava. He is a delegate in the "Knowledge Society Forum" of the Eurocities platform and head of the Open Labour Union Bratislava, which is the community organisation of the employees of the City of Bratislava.


Presentation "Changing the paradigm in Bratislava" (PDF)

© Bojan Jukić

Bojan Jukić

Bojan Jukić is co-founder and CTO of the company "goUrban". For three years now, his company has been part of the new mobility movement and it has made the city traffic more efficient with the help of AI algorithms. The company provides the technology for successful joint mobility projects of operators and cities worldwide.

© Max Kintisch

Max Kintisch

Max Kintisch is a graduate of the "London School of Economics" and "Sciences Po Paris" and he currently is an engagement manager at "Pioneers". Together with public administrations and technical innovators, his work concentrates on the implementation of the future regarding the performance of public services. "Pioneers" organises innovation initiatives of the public sector and hosts Europe's leading "GovTech" conference.

© Katja Mayer

Katja Mayer

The sociologist Katja Mayer works at the interface science-technology-society. She researches how socio-scientific methods and society interact. Currently she concentrates on Computational Social Science and Big Data. As a member of the Open Knowledge and the Open Access Network Austria OANA she stands up for a public access to scientific knowledge and for open licences in science and technology.


Presentation "Digital Transformation" (PDF)

© Regina Hügli

Zoltán Nagy

Since 2016, Zoltán Nagy is responsible for the coordination of developments implemented with EU funding. At first he worked as a political adviser for the Ministry of Human Resources, where he was later nominated to be deputy state secretary. This position he holds in the chancellery ministry since 2018.


Presentation "Transformation of Public Administration in the Digital Age" (PPT)

© Diane von Schoen

Julian Nida-Rümelin

Julian Nida-Rümelin is one of the most renowned philosophers in Germany. He was the German culture and media state secretary (1998 to 2002) and is now teaching philosophy and political theory at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.

© Andrea Reischer

Peter Parycek

Peter Parycek is head of the competence centre "Öffentliche IT" (ÖFIT) at the "Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute Berlin" that understands itself as a think tank for the successful digitisation of public space in Germany. At the Danube University Krems Peter Parycek, being a university professor for e-governance, is responsible for the department of e-governance in economy and administration.


Presentation "Digital Government Next Generation" (PDF)


Andreas Rath

Andreas Rath is CEO of "ONDEWO GmbH". For five years he researched communication and AI at the interface human-machine at the "Know-Center". For six years he worked as a top management adviser for "McKinsey & Company" in the digitisation of international companies in twelve different countries. At ONDEWO he and his team developed the “ONDEWO Conversational AI Platform", a software for companies in order to make chatbots, language assistants and robots smarter, to automatise calls, and to enable new assistance systems for example for customer support.


Presentation "Digitizing public sector organizations with Conversational AI" (PDF)

© Dietmar Schabus

Dietmar Schabus

Dietmar Schabus studied computer science at the "Vienna University of Technology" and defended his doctoral thesis in statistical voice signal modelling at the "Graz University of Technology". Since 2018, he works as a data scientist at the "Wiener Stadtwerke" where he – amongst other things – works on the implementation of specific AI applications in the context of mobility, energy and infrastructure. Schabus is also part-time lecturer for machine learning at the "University of Applied Sciences, Technikum Vienna".


Presentation "Artificial Intelligence at Wiener Stadtwerke" (PDF)


Michael Stampfer

Since 2002 Michael Stampfer has been the managing director of the "Vienna Science and Technology Fund" office (German abbreviation – WWTF). He is a graduate of the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and has extensive experience in Austrian and international research and technology policy. Initially he worked for the Science Ministry, later he was responsible for the "Kplus Competence Centres Programme" of "Technologie Impulse Gesellschaft" (TIG, now FFG).


Presentation "Digital Humanism in Vienna" (PPT)

© Clemens Wasner

Clemens Wasner

Clemens Wasner is CEO of "EnliteAI", a company in Vienna that is specialised in the application of AI, and founder of "AI Austria", an independent think tank that works to establish Austria as a pioneer in the field of Applied AI. Prior to that, for more than ten years he worked in international consulting and as a partner he was in charge of the business with Asia (being in Tokio).


Presentation "Why the public sector should embrace AI" (PDF)

© Sindre Wimberger

Sindre Wimberger

For 15 years Sindre Wimberger has been developing products and services for the internet. Currently he is service designer for "wien.gv.at". As the "botfather" of "WienBot" he makes sure that the tool is constantly developed further and is getting smarter.


Presentation "Wien Bot - Smart City Assistant Vienna" (PPT)

© Joanna Pianka

Barbara Wimmer

Barbara Wimmer is an internet journalist, book author and speaker and she lives in Vienna. For more than 13 years, she has been writing and speaking about IT security, network policy, data protection, and privacy. In 2018, she was awarded the journalist price WINFRA for "excellent contributions to the Viennese infrastructure – journalism". As an author and speaker she most recently committed herself to the "Internet of Things".


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